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Acts 2: Highlights & Discussion


Basic Outline:

  1. Day of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit arrives, speaking in tongues (Acts 2:1-4)

  2. The crowd responds (Acts 2:5-13)

  3. Peter's sermon (Acts 2:14-39)

  4. The church grows! (Acts 2:40-47)

Powerful chapter! Sometimes I wonder, come we don't see or hear that today? A rushing mighty wind representing the coming of the Holy Spirit? I mean speaking all these languages, and to be specific it's dialects. I am Chinese and know that there are so many dialects just in the Chinese language alone! The Holy Spirit sure descended upon these early Christians. Remember in Acts 1:14, it's not only the disciples who were there, Jesus' mother and other women were there, as well as Jesus' brothers. One thing that stood out to me:

"When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place." {Acts 2:1}

It is so important to note that all of them were in "one accord." Not only were they physically located in the same place but spiritually, mentally, socially, etc., they were together. How can we achieve this today?


Joel's Prophecy (Acts 2:17-21), some may ask -

1. Has the moon turned to blood?

2. Has the sun darkened?

3. Where are the sons and daughters who will prophesy and how do we know that they are not just crazy?

4. Visions? Dreams?

5. Blood, fire, vapor of smoke - signs from heaven?

Let's discuss this during our next teleconference call.

Thanks for dropping by!

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